Off To The Races
You may have come here expecting to read something about wrestling but today I want to address another passion of mine - Animal Welfare. As a vegan I make it my business to learn as much as I can about industries that not only produce animals for consumption or use animal testing, but also industries that exploit animals for entertainment so that I can be sure not to support them in any way. Recently I have heard amongst my friends discussions of attending horse racing events, so today this is what I will be talking about. Usually I would just remove such people from my life by way of unfriending or blocking on social media, but if I continue down that path sooner or later I’ll have no friends left – so here I am, hitting you up with the knowedge. While horse racing might seem like a fun event for you and your friends to attend and spend the day drinking in the sun – its far from fun for the horses. Safe NZ states that in New Zealand, around 5,500 thoroughbred...