The Sweet Life

Two weeks ago, I experimented with the Ketogenic diet, and whilst pretty difficult, it got me truly thinking about what I was eating on a daily basis. Since then, I've continued a lower carb diet (under 100g per day) and I've been seeing some great results, and have now managed to lose a total of 2 kilo's.
Tomorrow is the 1st of August, and I have decided to challenge myself (for the next 31 days) to go sugar free, to see if it is actually as hard as all the articles I have read online say. My goal will be to eliminate all added sugar's from my diet, which includes artificial sweeteners - so no more Monster Ultra Zero's for a month!

For the next 4 weeks, I will be documenting my progress and writing about it here, but to start myself off I thought I'd write up a little about what my health is currently like and make some predictions on how I think going sugar free will effect me.

Body: I currently have a shoulder injury which impacts the nerves in my right arm, but generally feel strong - lifting weights 6 days a week, and my endurance is average - I do mostly steady state running or cycling. I don't often experience joint pain or muscle fatigue.
My current weight and measurements are:
Weight: 57.2kg
Bicep (Flexed L/R): 29/29.5cms
Bust: 86cm
Waist: 66.5cm
Hip: 76cm
Butt: 95.5cm
Thigh (L/R): 52.5cm

Sleep: Generally I get 7-8 hours of sleep per night, but if I do wake up early/in the middle of the night, I do find it extremely difficult to get back to sleep. I do find it easy to snooze my alarm and have some difficulty getting up in the mornings, I usually nap through the whole day following a wrestling event.

Mind: At this point in time I am not facing any mental challenges, my mental health is good, I haven't had a panic attack in quite some time. I do experience moderate mood swings prior to my period for 1-2 days.

Skin: I have combination skin, my forehead gets oily and my cheeks, nose and chin are dry. I only get breakouts while on my period, usually around my mouth. I find that my skin takes a long time to heal from cuts. I have a graze/cut on my lip from wrestling last Saturday, which I'm hoping will not scar. I pretty much always have dark circles under my eyes, regardless of how much sleep I've had.


I am hoping to see a reduction in my waist and hip measurements, as I would like to be leaner in this area. Initially I think withdrawal from sugar may impact my sleep cycle, and I may have trouble getting into deep sleep so may feel more tired throughout the day. I also expect more mood swings through the first 1-2 weeks.

I'm hoping I don't go on any murderous rampages whilst my body adapts to being unsweetened, wish me luck!
- Ash.


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