Pass the Sugar, Daddy.
Wow, already in week two of this Sugar Free Challenge, who is really surprised that I missed my first week update? But I'm back to fill you in.
Day 3:
Today was great, nothing out of the ordinary and managed to get a normal amount of uninterrupted sleep
Day 4:
Here's where I made my first major mistake, because it turns out that Indian Tonic Water contains sweetener, and I ordered four G&T's thinking that I was doing the right thing. I had thought that because Tonic Water tastes so bad that it was safe. As it turns out, I am in fact an idiot. And I barely slept.
Day 5:
No energy or focus, didn't make it to the gym. From waking, I was just ravenous all day - direct result of the sweetener in the G&T's, but on the upside, I was also so exhausted I slept like a baby.
Day 6:
Wanting to treat my bestie, we went to the supermarket to get snacks. Did you know corn chips contain sugar? I didn't until today and it blew my mind, even salsa has it in it! Because of the occasion I decided to eat it anyway, but then felt like a bottomless pit and when I went to bed still felt like I'd eaten nothing all day.
Day 7:
Woke with no energy and was mentally checked out most of the day.
Day 8:
Officially one week in. I've decided not to measure progress until day 14 so I don't get discouraged and give up, because I've come very close to just demolishing some dark chocolate on multiple occasions now.
Day 9:
PMS officially hit, I had pizza for dinner and I have no idea whether or not it contained sugar because I couldn't find anything listed on the Hell Pizza website. Managed to stay away from the sorbet that I would usually get to accompany the pizza.
Day 10:
At a workmates leaving drinks, I made much better choices and stuck to vodka soda's. despite having quite a few drinks, I never reached that 'tipsy' feeling which is strange as I am generally very lightweight - maybe this was due to not being paired with a sugary mixer?
Day 11:
Absolutely no hangover and wasn't hungry until 5pm. I found sugar free corn chips (Garden of Eaten') and made myself a big batch of tofu nacho's.
Day 12:
Today I headed out to the North Shore to see friends, we ate at a restaurant for dinner - I had a refried bean burger and I'm guessing there was most likely sugar in the bun. I had black coffee with dinner and then found it hard to get to sleep, I went to bed around midnight.
Day 13:
I managed to sleep through all of my alarms, but woke with lots of energy. Enough for a jog in the morning, and a weights session in the evening. I slept remarkably well considering I wasn't in my own bed.
Day 14:
I woke up full of energy! Ran 5km and did a weights session at 6am. Two weeks in and its definitely become easier to avoid sugar - I have my go to foods that are tasty and easy to make, and if I have a craving for sweets I enjoy some nut butter and carrot sticks. A major change I've made is having a black coffee instead of my typical Cobra Labs Curse pre-workout.
Sugar, we're going down. |
Day 1 & 2:
I experienced intense stomach cramps around 7.30pm both nights and then around 12-1am found myself wide awake and unable to get back to sleep.Day 3:
Today was great, nothing out of the ordinary and managed to get a normal amount of uninterrupted sleep
Day 4:
Here's where I made my first major mistake, because it turns out that Indian Tonic Water contains sweetener, and I ordered four G&T's thinking that I was doing the right thing. I had thought that because Tonic Water tastes so bad that it was safe. As it turns out, I am in fact an idiot. And I barely slept.
Day 5:
No energy or focus, didn't make it to the gym. From waking, I was just ravenous all day - direct result of the sweetener in the G&T's, but on the upside, I was also so exhausted I slept like a baby.
Day 6:
Wanting to treat my bestie, we went to the supermarket to get snacks. Did you know corn chips contain sugar? I didn't until today and it blew my mind, even salsa has it in it! Because of the occasion I decided to eat it anyway, but then felt like a bottomless pit and when I went to bed still felt like I'd eaten nothing all day.
Day 7:
Woke with no energy and was mentally checked out most of the day.
Day 8:
Officially one week in. I've decided not to measure progress until day 14 so I don't get discouraged and give up, because I've come very close to just demolishing some dark chocolate on multiple occasions now.
Day 9:
PMS officially hit, I had pizza for dinner and I have no idea whether or not it contained sugar because I couldn't find anything listed on the Hell Pizza website. Managed to stay away from the sorbet that I would usually get to accompany the pizza.
Day 10:
At a workmates leaving drinks, I made much better choices and stuck to vodka soda's. despite having quite a few drinks, I never reached that 'tipsy' feeling which is strange as I am generally very lightweight - maybe this was due to not being paired with a sugary mixer?
Day 11:
Absolutely no hangover and wasn't hungry until 5pm. I found sugar free corn chips (Garden of Eaten') and made myself a big batch of tofu nacho's.
Day 12:
Today I headed out to the North Shore to see friends, we ate at a restaurant for dinner - I had a refried bean burger and I'm guessing there was most likely sugar in the bun. I had black coffee with dinner and then found it hard to get to sleep, I went to bed around midnight.
Day 13:
I managed to sleep through all of my alarms, but woke with lots of energy. Enough for a jog in the morning, and a weights session in the evening. I slept remarkably well considering I wasn't in my own bed.
Day 14:
I woke up full of energy! Ran 5km and did a weights session at 6am. Two weeks in and its definitely become easier to avoid sugar - I have my go to foods that are tasty and easy to make, and if I have a craving for sweets I enjoy some nut butter and carrot sticks. A major change I've made is having a black coffee instead of my typical Cobra Labs Curse pre-workout.
While my ability to sleep has definitely not improved, I do feel more alert on waking and don't get a mid afternoon energy crash. I don't have as many cravings now as I did in my first week, but when I do they usually hit around 8pm - typically when I'm alone and bored. My running endurance has improved, but I haven't experienced any progression in my strength. I am easily irritated - but truthfully when aren't I? My belly feels flatter, but I have only lost 0.4kg and half a cm from my waist. I will check in with full body measurements on my final update.Thanks for reading, I'll see you next week,
- Ash.
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